
Unleashing Creative Entrepreneurship
to Rebuild Ukraine

15—17 November 2023, Vienna


Culture, Social Resilience
and Well-Being

12—14 April 2023, Vienna


Preserving Cultural Heritage
in Ukraine

30 November—2 December 2022, Vienna

Welcome to the dynamic world of Policy Labs, a transformative initiative conducted in close collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine. Our project brings together approximately 25 participants every quarter for an intensive 2.5-day experience, focusing on open dialogues, immersive brainstorming sessions, and collaborative efforts to craft creative solutions for the specific challenges faced by Ukraine.

Dedicated to supporting Ukraine in its post-war recovery, our project aims to foster cross-sectoral collaborations and guide the country towards a robust and sustainable future. With a specific focus on arts, cultural heritage, cultural institutions, and creative industries, we offer expert support in policy design, regulations, financing, and pilot interventions. Recognizing Ukraine’s path towards EU membership, we emphasize the alignment of post-war recovery efforts with pre-accession transformations. Our initiatives aim to bridge policy design and implementation gaps through rigorous research, stakeholder engagement, and collaborative workshops known as Policy Labs. These Labs serve as invaluable forums for experts, policymakers, and practitioners to exchange insights and co-design blueprints tailored to Ukraine’s unique context.

Our team consists of a diverse group of experts, policymakers, and practitioners, blending local and international talent, each bringing a wealth of experience. With over 100 project residents actively engaged, we are committed to advancing Ukraine’s EU accession process while harnessing the arts, culture, and creative sectors as catalysts for societal progress and economic growth. We invite you to join us as we pave the way for Ukraine’s post-war recovery journey. It is also to ensure that culture is mainstreamed in other policy areas related to the economy, territorial regeneration, external relations, and social policies. Through events, social media engagement, training, and capacity building, with a dual focus on analysis and impact, and dynamic relationships with policymakers at every governance level, Policy Labs has established itself as a vibrant laboratory for better policies.

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24 April 2024

Policy Labs #4: Live stream day 1, 10am

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25 April 2024

Policy Labs #4: Live stream day 2, 9:30am

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ERSTE Foundation creates social, economic and cultural infrastructure and innovation for a changing Europe. We empower initiatives for change, contribute to civil society development and regional progression. As core shareholder of Erste Group ERSTE Foundation secures the independent future of one of the largest financial services providers in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe.
The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy is the principal body within the system of central executive authorities responsible for shaping and implementing state policies in the fields of culture, state language policy, promoting Ukraine worldwide, as well as for shaping and implementing state policies in the areas of restoring and preserving national memory, arts, cultural heritage protection, museum affairs, export, import, and return of cultural values.